Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain Dog Club 2017 Raffle
Welcome to the BRBMDC 2017 Raffle. If you wish to purchase raffle tickets for the items below, please fill out the Ticket Submission Form and pay for your tickets using the PayPal button on the left.
Click here for BRBMDC AUCTION
Berner Silhouette Black Stainless Steel, approximately 3 feet tall
to benefit the Rescue Fund
Tickets: $5 each
$25 for six
$50 for thirteen
$25 for six
$50 for thirteen
Helmbold Woodworks Collapsible poplar cart
to benefit the Draft Test Fund
to benefit the Draft Test Fund
Tickets: $10 each
$50 for six
$100 for thirteen
$50 for six
$100 for thirteen