Bear - New Rescue
Bear is a Bernese mountain dog/ chocolate lab mix. He is 120lb, has all his shots. Also neutered. He is a very sweet and loving dog. Great with kids and other pets including cats. Loves to be with people. He is a very active dog and loves to be outside. He does shed a lot. He burns up because of his fur so don’t be surprised if he is laying at the air vent. He is scared of storms, gunshots, firearms, ect. As long as he is with you he will just lay down but if you leave him alone he might make a mess of things (peeing). He is definitely a Houdini dog. He can get out of metal crates, Fencing, decks, name it he has figured out a way out of it. With regular exercise and attention though he is the best dog. If an approved adopter is found and it does not work out for any reason we will always take him back. Please contact the the Owner if you can help find a new home for Bear. |